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    NCC Submission to Department of Finance: Potential of Taxation Measures to Encourage Development

    Cover NCC Submission to DoF
    Date:09 June 2015 
    Source: NCC
    Topics: Submissions

    The National Competitiveness Council welcomes the consultation on the potential use of taxation measures to encourage the development of zoned and serviced land and the opportunity to make a submission.

    The Council has addressed issues relating to efficient land use, development levies and property taxes over the last decade or so. This short submission builds on that work. Given the complexity of the property market, it is worth highlighting that taxation measures are likely to be just one part of the solution – a broader range of initiatives addressing both supply and demand factors are likely to be required to deliver a sustainable property sector that enhances living standards, quality of life and competitiveness.

    PDF logoNCC Submission to DoF .pdf (size 3.7 MB)